The shocking riots in the privately-operated Kingman prison and the cancellation of the contract for the facility has raised significant questions about the role of prison privatization in Arizona. Polls show that Arizona voters are deeply uncomfortable with the notion of incarceration for profit, and many are raising […]
The shocking riots in the privately-operated Kingman prison and the cancellation of the contract for the facility has raised significant questions about the role of prison privatization in Arizona. The Dept. of Corrections found “a culture of disorganization, disengagement, and disregard of ADC policies and fundamental inmate management […]
KJZZ reported that five for-profit prison corporations have expressed interest in taking over the Kingman contract: CCA, GEO Group, Emerald Corrections, LaSalle, and Community Education Centers (CEC). In our last post, we gave you the dirt on CCA and GEO Group. Now we will introduce you to the […]
Our enthusiasm for the Governor’s claims about adding more transparency and accountability to the prison contracting process in Arizona is beginning to wane. While we were pleased to hear that he was requiring that the assignment of a new contract for the Kingman prison be subject to a more open search […]
Today, Gov. Ducey announced that the state of Arizona would cancel its contract with Management and Training Corporation (MTC) for operations of the Kingman prison. He referenced the Arizona Department of Corrections’ Assessment of the 2015 riots in that facility as providing evidence that MTC had violated the […]
PHOENIX—The American Friends Service Committee of Arizona, a non-profit criminal justice reform organization, has released an assessment of the July 2015 riots in the Arizona State Prison Complex in Kingman, Arizona. The prison, managed by for-profit corporation Management and Training Corporation, was rocked by a series of disturbances […]
Last week, the Kingman state prison, operated by Management and Training Corporation (MTC), saw the latest in a string of riots. After several days of unrest, nine prison staff and seven incarcerated people were injured and the facilities were so badly damaged that the state is moving over […]