Last week, the Arizona House Appropriations Committee announced it will not allow any public commentary during budget hearings. On Jan 28, the House banned protesting students from being physically present during the Committee meeting on education funding. At one point, the Sergeant At Arms closed the doors to the […]
In his State of the State speech, Governor Doug Ducey said: “And, if we’re serious about reducing recidivism – and reversing the growth of our prison population, let’s begin by building on the model already working in Pima County: a community corrections center, providing tough love and on-site […]
What a year! There’s never a dull moment when you are working for criminal justice reform in Arizona. We’d like to share with you just the highlights of some of our achievements from 2015: We added THREE new incredible staff people We passed sentencing reform legislation for the […]
The Arizona Department of Corrections has given a green light for a contract with a private, for-profit correctional management corporations for the construction and management of up to 2,000 additional state prison beds. Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) was the sole bidder. It has proposed to build a […]
Activists, the media, and even presidential candidates are speaking out against private prison companies and other corporations that profit from mass incarceration. That’s why the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) has launched an online tool designed to help socially responsible investors align their portfolios with their values and […]
The shocking riots in the privately-operated Kingman prison and the cancellation of the contract for the facility has raised significant questions about the role of prison privatization in Arizona. Polls show that Arizona voters are deeply uncomfortable with the notion of incarceration for profit, and many are raising […]
The shocking riots in the privately-operated Kingman prison and the cancellation of the contract for the facility has raised significant questions about the role of prison privatization in Arizona. The Dept. of Corrections found “a culture of disorganization, disengagement, and disregard of ADC policies and fundamental inmate management […]